
助理研究员 黄冰冰

来源:原创    更新时间:2021-12-31 10:32:06    浏览:4306






2016.09~2021.06      中国农业大学 博士

2012.09~2016.06 江西农业 本科




   2021年至今  江西省科学院生物资源研究所助理研究员




² huang b b, huang c f, lyu z q, chen y f, li p l, liu l, lai c h*. available energy and amino acid digestibility of defatted rice bran fed to growing pigs[j]. journal of animal science, 2018, 96(8):3138-3150jcr q2

² huang b b, sun z q, wang li, wang lu, shi h w, hu q l, lyu z q, li d f, zang j j, lai c h*. 

effects of different defatted rice bran sources and processing technologies on nutrient digestibility in cannulated growing pigs[j]. journal of animal science, 2021, 99(2):skab034jcr q2

² huang b b, wang li, lyu z q, wang lu, zang j j, li d f, lai c h*. evaluation on net energy of defatted rice bran from different origins and processing technologies fed to growing pigs [j]. animals, 2021, 11(4):1106jcr q2

² huang b b, shi h w, wang li, wang lu, lyu z q, hu q l, zang j j, li d f, lai c h*. effects of defatted rice bran inclusion level on nutrients digestibility and growth performances of different bodyweight pigs[j]. animals, 2021, 11(5):1374jcr q2

² huang b b, wang li, wang lu, lyu z q, lai c h*, li d.f*. concentration of available energy and digestibility of amino acids in extruded and pelleted defatted rice bran fed to growing pigs. animal feed science and technology[j]. animal feed science and technology, 2021. jcr q2

² lyu z q, huang b b, li z c. net energy of oat bran, wheat bran, and palm kernel expellers fed to growing pigs using indirect calorimetry[j]. animal science journal, 2019, 90(1): 98-107.jcr q3

² 吕知谦, 黄冰冰, 李藏兰等. 日粮纤维组成对生长猪净能和营养物质消化率的影响[j].  中国畜牧杂志, 2017, 53(2):65-69.




² 1.  家 重 研 发 计 划 项 目 子 课 题 : 碳 水 化 合 物 改 善 肉 品 质 的 作 用 机 制 研 究2018yfd0500405-3,参加;


² 2.国家自然科学基金面上项目:不同来源油脂猪的内源脂肪损失研究(31972597,参加
